To calculate the percentage change we will apply the formula:
p= N-O/O *100
p is the increased percentage
N is the current value
O is the old value.
Substitute the values in the formula:
36 = 306,000 - O/O *100
Divide both the sides by 100
36/100 = 306,000 - O/O *100/100
36/100 = 306,000 - O/O
Now multiply O at both sides
36/100 * O = 306,000-O/O * O
At R.H.S O will be cancelled by O
At L.H.S 36/ 100 = 0.36
0.36 O= 306,000-O
Combine the like terms:
0.36 O+O =306,000
1.36 O = 306,000
Divide both the terms by 1.36
1.36 O/ 1.36 = 306,000/1.36
O= $225,000
Therefore when the house was purchased its value was $225,000....