Chips are of three types --
1. Continuous chip
2. Discontinuous or segmental chip
3. Continuous chip with built up edge
Step-by-step explanation:
Conventional machining process always removes some excess part of the metal in the form of Chips. Every machinist should be well aware of the type of chip formed as it gives the knowledge of the machining process. The chips forms give the knowledge of --
1. Dimension of tool
2. feed rate
3. cutting speed
4. nature of tool
5. Friction between tool and work piece
the different types of chips are :
1. Continuous chips :
Continuous chips are long ribbon like coil that are bonded together. The continuous chips undergoes plastic deformation continuously. This is the most desirable form of chip produced. When such chips are formed, the cutting is smooth with good surface finish. Mostly ductile material forms continuous chips.
2. Discontinuous chips :
Discontinuous chips are formed when metals are machined and the material gets deformed easily. Brittle materials forms discontinuous chips. Discontinuous chips are in the form of loose broken chips that are not continuous. Discontinuous chips are formed when depth of cut and feed is large and cutting sped is low.
3. Continuous chips with built up edge :
These chips are similar to the continuous chips where surface finish is not smooth. When ductile materials are machined at low cutting speed, a portion of work material tends tends to stick at the rake face of the tool due to the friction between the tools and the chip. This is known as built up edge.