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Mergesort uses the divide-and-conquer technique to sort a list.



1 Answer

4 votes


True: Merge Sort sorts a list using divide-conquer approach.

Merge_Sort(B,p,n) //p is the starting index of array B and n is the last index.

1. if(p<n)

2. q ← (p+n)/2 //divides the list into two sub-lists

2. Merge_Sort(B, p, q) //sorts the left half

3. Merge_Sort(B, q+1, n) //sorts the right half.

4. Merge(B, p, q, n)

Merge(B, p, q, n)

1.l ← q-p+1. //no. of elements in left half

2.m ← n-q //no. of elements in right half.

3.for x ← 1 to l

4. Left[x] = B[p+x -1] //The elements of left half are copied to Left array

5.for y ← 1 to m.

6. Right[y]= B[q+y] //The elements of right half are copied to right array

7. x ← 1, y ←1

8.for z ← p to n.

9. if( Left[x] ≤ Right[y] ) // to merge the two lists Left and Right, the //elements are compared.

10. { A[z] ← Left[x] //smaller one comes to the merged list.

11. x++. }

12. else

13. { A[z] ← Right[y]

14. y++ }

Step-by-step explanation:

The Merge_Sort(A, p, n) algorithm first divides the whole array into two halves. Then again divides the sub-lists into it's halves and so on.

Then using merge algorithm it compares the elements of both halves one by one and keep it in sorted order.

User Jim Mischel
5.8k points