Answer and Explanation:
1. cold: antonym - heat : a very hot weather.
2. accused: antonym - absolved : publicly declared not guilty or responsible for something.
3. calm (water): antonym - turbulent : turbulent air or water moves around a lot because of the wind.
4. rare: antonym - common : ordinary and not special in any way.
5. love : antonym - hate : deslike someone very much.
6. beneficial: antonym - harmful : causing or likely to cause harm.
7. private: antonym - public : allowing anyone to see what is happening.
8. together: antonym - apart (fall apart) : separated into many different parts.
9. admire: antonym - despise : to dislike someone very much.
10. vigilant: antonym - unwatchful : not paying careful attention; not being ready to deal with problems.