- The lowest value of the confidence interval is 0.5262 or 52.62%
- The highest value of the confidence interval is 0.5538 or 55.38%
Here you estimate the proportion of people in the population that said did not have children under 18 living at home.It can also be given as a percentage.
The general expression to apply here is;

where ;
p=sample proportion
n=sample size
z*=value of z* from the standard normal distribution for 95% confidence level
Find p
From the question 54% of people chosen said they did not have children under 18 living at home

To calculate the 95% confidence interval, follow the steps below;
- Find the value of z* from the z*-value table
The value of z* from the table is 1.96
- calculate the sample proportion p
The value of p=0.54 as calculated above

Divide the value of p(1-p) with the sample size, n

- Find the square-root of p(1-p)/n

Here multiply the square-root of p(1-p)/n by the z*

The 95% confidence interval for the lower end value is p-margin of error

The 95% confidence interval for the upper end value is p+margin of error