Q1 - True, when Babylon was conquered by the Persian Empire, which had already conquered several other places, they decided to apply the Hammurabi Code to the whole Empire, which was considered all the land that were known to man.
Q2 - True, the ruler must be free of crimes in order for him to judge criminals and be fair.
Q3 - False , the document wasn't about human rights, it was rather about how to judge crimes at punish them at the fairest point of view possible: an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth. It was built upon social inequality, opposing free people to slaves and men to women.
Q4 - False, slave property is mentioned and there is an explanation about how is it forbidden to take other's slaves away from the city, for example.
Q5 - False, the rights of women are to be loyal to their husbands and to serve all men in their society.
Q6 - True, the situation deals with loss to the owner of the cattle, and being the herdsman responsible for their health and reproduction, any losses should be refunded.
Q7 - False, there are laws stating inheritance and other family affairs.
Q8 - False, the Universal Declaration of Human Rights was declared in 1948, while the Code of Hammurabi was dated to 1754 BC.
Q9 - False, the Universal Declaration considers slavery to be a crime against humanity.
Q10 - False, the Universal Declaration supports freedom of religion.