1. ¿Qué lenguas hablan los mexicanos?
- Los mexicanos hablan español, náhuatl, y otras lenguas indígenas.
2. ¿Cómo es la población del D.F. en comparación con otras ciudades?
La población del D.F. es mayor.
3. ¿En qué se interesaron Frida Kahlo y Diego Rivera?
- Se interesaron en las las condiciones sociales de la gente indígena de su país.
4. Nombra algunas de las estructuras de la arquitectura azteca.
- En la arquitectura azteca se pueden ver canales, puentas y pirámides con templos religiosos.
5.¿Dónde está situada la capital de México?
- Está situada en la en la capital Azteca de Tenochtitlán.
6. ¿Qué estados de México tienen los mayores yacimientos de plata?
- Zacatecas y Durango tienen los mayores yacimientos de plata.
Step-by-step explanation:
1. What languages do the Mexicans speak?
- Mexicans speak Spanish, Nahuatl and other Indigenous languages.
Most of the Mexicans only speak Spanish, which arrived to this part of the world with the Spanish colonists, but there many more languages spoken by the Mexican population. There are 63 official Indigenous languages in Mexico.
2. In comparison to other cities, how big is the population of the Distrito Federal (Mexico City)?
- The population of the Distrito Federal is bigger in comparison to other cities.
In fact, the population of Mexico City is the largest in the entire North America, counting over 8 million people. It is also the largest in the world Spanish speaking city.
3. What ere Frida Kahlo and Diego Rivera interested in?
- They were interested in the condition of the Indigenous peoples of their country.
Indigenous peoples are the pre-Columbian peoples that inhabited the Americas before the European colonization. Some of the many Indigenous groups living in Mexico are Aztecs, Mazahua, Nahua.
4. Name some of the Aztec architectural structures.
- In Aztec architecture we can find canals, bridges and pyramids with religious temples.
The Aztecs were known for their advanced architecture. Their temples were immense and this was due to overbuilding - they built greater temples over the existing ones.
5. Where is the Mexico City located?
- It is located in the Aztec capital of Tenochtitlán.
Tenochtitlán was the capital of the Aztec Empire. It was located on the lake of Texcoco which was drained after the arrival of the colons and the foundation of the City of Mexico. The Aztec population had built canals and bridges all over the lake and thanks to this Mexico City is left with beautiful remains of the Aztec architecture.
6. What Mexican states have the largest silver deposits?
- Zacatecas and Durango have the largest silver deposits.
The states of Zacatecas and Durango have many silver deposits as well as deposits of other minerals. The commerce of Durango is related to mining and it is the primary economic activity of the state of Zacatecas.