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What is the state morphology of the United States?

User Letholdrus
7.7k points

1 Answer

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fragmented state

a state broken up into many smaller pieces, like a state comprise by an island archipelago/chain (fractured, shattered or scattered state)... Philippines, Bahamas, Maldives, Indonesia, Alaska, Hawaii... fragmentation tends to make governing harder

separated state

a state that is of 2 or more large non-contiguous parts, or a state that has a large unconnected region or territory (chunked or partitioned state)... Michigan, Italy, UK, Newfoundland-Labrador, Japan, Turkey... separation tends to make governing harder

prorupted state

a state that has a panhandle, a region that juts out and away from the rest of the state like a finger or arm (panhandle or peninsular state)... Florida, Oklahoma, Namibia, India, Alaska, Idaho, Mexico... proruption tends to make governing harder

elongated state

a state that is stretched, looking long & narrow (stretched or flattened state, like taffy)... Chile, Panama, Vietnam, Norway, Cuba, Malawi... elongation tends to make governing harder

perforated state

a larger state that has another much smaller state completely within itself, a pocketed internal region that is surrounded by, but not part of the larger state (punctured or pierced state)... South Africa, Italy, US, Senegal

perforate state

a smaller state that is found completely within/surrounded by a much larger (perforated) state (bullet-hole, donut-hole or pocket state)... Vatican, San Marino, Lesotho, Gambia, Navajos... being surrounded by another state tends to make governing harder

divided state

a single state that has been chopped up and disunited by war, political strife, disagreement, or internal problems; there are often walls/internal boundaries created, and both sides are often hostile to each other (rendered, split, severed, or divorced state)... Korea, Vietnam, US, Cyprus, Germany*, Sudan... division definitely makes governing harder

unified state

a state that was once divided because of war, ethnic/social circumstances, but has recently reconnected back into one political and territorial unit (remerged, rejoined, recoupled or reconciled state)... US, Germany, Yemen, Vietnam... unification tends to make governing easier

occupied state

a state that has been either peacefully or violently invaded, and its territory and/or government is under the control of another sovereign state (either temporarily or permanently) (captured or invaded state)... Iraq*, Afghanistan, Japan & Germany & Italy after WWII, Israel & Palestine... occupation definitely makes governing harder

compact state

a small/medium-sized state with a standard geometric shape (circle/square/triangle) with limited fragmentation, proruption, elongation, separation, perforation or division (geometric, rounded, or centralized state)... SC, most micro states, Belgium, Luxembourg, CT, Cambodia, Sierra Leone... compactness tends to make governing easier

micro state

a small state so tiny as to be difficult to locate on a map... being tiny tends to make governing easier, but being tiny tends to make micro states vulnerable to neighbors

mega state

a state so large in size, area, population, military or wealth that it dominate maps, neighbors, trade, politics and, sometimes, the region/world... being large & powerful makes the state less vulnerable to neighbors, but being large & powerful tends to make it harder to govern

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User Niklesh Raut
7.5k points