Racism is bad because african american people are just like white people, they are people like us, they aren't dogs or foxes, they are people and they should have been treated the same as white people back then. To be honest, I'm really glad Martin Luther King Jr ended segregation long ago, I may be white but I would stand for their rights no matter what.
It doesn't matter what you wear, or what your skin color is, or if you have a mustache or a beard or neither, so why couldn't it be the same back then? I don't exactly know but, i know that racism shouldn't even be a thing at all, neither should have segregation happened. My opinion but: Segregation can suck a lemon!!
Appearantly segregation was a thing because of skin color, I don't get why they would seperate people with no colored skin and people with colored, but ever since i even heard about it at all i hated how white people treated african american's.
In conclusion, segregation shouldn't have been a thing, and neither should racism.