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2 Answers

7 votes

Racism is the belief that one's race is superior to all other races. Racism's origin is hard to pin-point because racism has been around for many years. The most reasonable origin to racism is slavery. Many people think slavery was the enslavement of African-Americans but slavery has been around for thousands of years. Egyptians enslaved their own kind and foreigners. Many different countries and cultures have enslaved people. While there are many different occurrences of slavery through-out history, the enslavement of African-Americans is the most well known.

The African-American slave trade ran its course from 1619 to 1865. In 1619 a Dutch ship brought 20 Africans to the English colony of Jamestown, Virginia. Historians are unsure if that is when legal slavery began, because some of the Africans were given the title of indentured servants. Many wealthy land owners had slaves. Many of the first presidents had slaves. Many people know that the (American) Civil War began to end slavery in the United States. Slavery in the North ended in 1804, but the Civil War did not begin until 1861. Northern soldiers joined the Union Army in the Civil War. Southern soldiers joined the Confederate Army. The Confederate Army was for slavery while the Union Army was against it. In 1863, President Abraham Lincoln issued the Emancipation Proclamation, which freed more than 3.5 million slaves in the South. The Civil War ended in 1865, slavery was abolished the same year.

Even though all slaves were free, African-Americans were still treated badly due to Jim Crow laws. Jim Crow laws were laws enforced racial segregation in the Southern United States. Jim Crow laws were in place from 1877 to 1965. Because of Jim Crow laws, African-Americans and whites were separated. They had different bathrooms, drinking fountains, train cars, etc; The things specifically given to African-Americans tended to be lower quality. Martin Luther King Jr. fought for African-American civil rights. The Civil Rights Act was issued in 1964. Even though Jim Crow laws were abolished and the Civil Rights Act was passed, there is still racism today. Many people are fighting hard for equality among all races.

Hope this helped :)

User Cereal
6.8k points
2 votes

Racism is bad because african american people are just like white people, they are people like us, they aren't dogs or foxes, they are people and they should have been treated the same as white people back then. To be honest, I'm really glad Martin Luther King Jr ended segregation long ago, I may be white but I would stand for their rights no matter what.

It doesn't matter what you wear, or what your skin color is, or if you have a mustache or a beard or neither, so why couldn't it be the same back then? I don't exactly know but, i know that racism shouldn't even be a thing at all, neither should have segregation happened. My opinion but: Segregation can suck a lemon!!

Appearantly segregation was a thing because of skin color, I don't get why they would seperate people with no colored skin and people with colored, but ever since i even heard about it at all i hated how white people treated african american's.

In conclusion, segregation shouldn't have been a thing, and neither should racism.

User Brando
7.2k points