5 votes
On A Scale Of 1-10, How Strict Were Your Parents?

Who Was Your Worst Teacher? Why?

Who Was Your Favorite Teacher? Why?

What Was Your Favorite Toy Growing Up?

If You Could Time Travel, When Would You Go?

What’s Your Best Childhood Memory?

What’s Your Pet Peeve?

What Personality Trait Has Gotten You In The Most Trouble?

What Is The Best Piece Of Advice You’ve Received?

If You Had To Pick A New Name For Yourself, What Name Would You Pick?

What Accomplishment Are You Most Proud Of?

User Fedd
7.2k points

2 Answers

1 vote

Which Parent?

My dad has never been like "if I catch you doing one minor thing I'll keep you in the basement for a year" like the rest of my family that I actually got to know. My mom is alright about being more accepting, but in all honesty she probably should have waited to ever have kids. (Even though I'm probably the worst kid of hers lol)

My worst teacher would probably be my algebra 1 teacher. She had like a 60% failures per year because she was a "hard teacher." Granted she was an honors teacher, but she was just bad about picking favorites and not completely explaining the problem. I also just don't have the brain to do math so that didn't help at all. I ended up making a 60 in that class, but when I switched to homeschooling that was considered passing, so I got off easy.

Either my 8th grade math teacher or my 8th grade English teacher. they were both super nice teachers, and my math teacher was really good at his job. I think my entire class passed his class with like 80's. I loved my english teacher because she took advantage of the warm days and would bring us outside and we would read our short stories from the beginning of the week. 8th grade year was just great in general.

My favorite toy was actually a little blue blanket and a purple cat. They were my best friends since I moved around so much. :')

I would go back to some prehistoric era. I love dinosaurs! Or I would go back to medieval times to see if dragons actually existed.

My best childhood memory would have to be the time me and three of my cousins went swimming. It was the day my oldest cousin taught me how to swim, he's lowkey my favorite cousin.

I hate when certain things aren't clean. I wouldn't care if a table was a bit dirty or if there was dust on a book shelf, but when I see a dirty couch or my room isn't picked up a certain way I'll lose my head.

I've always had a problem with rushing things, like currently I'm curious about what life is like living with my dad. He's always been super laid back with me over the phone (he's in Florida.) So I told my mom that for my last two years of high school I wanted to live with my dad, and she did not like that. I honestly don't blame her, but my dad's better settled down then she is, so I haven't really seen a problem with it yet. (besides my mom's problem with money, even though she's definitely beyond financially stable.)

Honestly, I've always blanked out when someone was giving me life advice. I think the most I've ever listened is when two musicians on the street told me to follow my dreams, and I lived by it for a while till some sucky things happened. I'm getting back on track, though.

I couldn't think of a new name for myself. Maybe something like Evangeline? I've always thought that name was pretty.

I'm most proud of the fact that I always seem to pull through bad situations. I honestly don't know how I manage to do it.

User Ubeogesh
6.8k points
2 votes

On a scale 1-10 on how strict my parents are it an 8

My worst teacher was Mr. Mole he was a predator always like to talk to girls and i just felt very uncomfortable around him

My favorite teacher was Ms. Valenzuela because she would always bring me food and give me passing grades even tho i wasn't passing.

My favorite toy growing up was a Fisher Price movie viewer

If i can time travel ill go back to when the holocaust was happening

My best childhood memory is when i had my first boyfriend

My pet peeve is when people chew its so annoying even when there chewing with their mouth closed

I would say my sense of humor has got me into a lot of trouble

The best piece of advice i received was LIVE LIFE TO THE FULLEST.

My new name would be Queen

Im most proud of winning my softball championship

User Colin Pickard
7.5k points