Of the man known rumors regarding the legend of Calamity Jane, one of the most popular ones is that she had an affair with Wild Bill Hickock. It is even believed that they got married and had a daughter in the time when they were living in Deadwood.
As regards dime novels, even though these were advocators of proper moral conduct and opponents of incorrect devotion for money, society considered them as responsibles for the corruption of acceptable behavior. In the case of Calamity Jane, there wer both negative influences (since she used to dress like man and behave as such by drinking and smoking, something which was unaccepted for a woman) and positive influences (she was admired for her honesty, benevolence and selflessness).
Calamity Jane was a good subject for tall tales because she has all the attributes of the tall tale's main character: strength, abilities and smartness. Eventually, she became a celebrity due to her role in enhancing the image of woman in American West, giving power to the female gender of the time. For some people, Calamity Jane represents feminism and female bravery.