Role of Rosalind Franklin
Rosalind Franklin used X-ray diffractometry techniques to determine carbon structures, including graphite. Then she devotes herself to the structure of DNA. Thanks to X-ray diffractometry, which she applies to DNA, Rosalind Franklin manages to determine its structure by distinguishing, thanks to its photos, the two propellers, named A and B.
Rosalind Franklin was a victim of the Matilda Effect:
The Matilda Effect is the phenomenon that women scientists do not benefit much from the fallout of their discoveries when they do not see the Nobel simply escape them. Among them, Rosalind Franklin, the discoverer of DNA.
The photo taken by Rosalind Franklin, at the origin of his deductions, became essential for the research conducted by James Dewey Watson and Francis Crick on the helical structure of DNA.
James Watson and Francis Crick publish their model in Nature in April 1953, thanking Wilkins and Franklin.