Mercury from toxic pollutants that are dumped into the oceans and other water bodies get integrated into the food chains through bacterial activities. The mercury, eaten by fishes accumulate in their systems to various extents; some fishes contain high concentrations of mercury while some have moderate concentrations. Tuna is an example of fish that has moderate concentration of mercury, which is 0.32 part per million of mercury.
Tuna fish can be eaten in moderate quantity, about 3 - 5 ounces daily two or three times a week as recommended by FDA. Excessive consumption of tuna fish will introduce tangible amount of mercury into one's system and this can lead to various health problems. Mercury can cause both acute and chronic poisoning and degeneration of the nervous system. Diseases such as tremors, memory loss, vision loss and numbness of extremities have also been linked with mercury poisoning. Thus, it is not advisable to consume tuna fish on a daily basis.