First mentioned of Muslim representation in Congress came around 1890,Most of the senior leaders in congress were Hindus and there was a strong lobby of Hindu leaders.
Jinnah was highly qualified and he was himself a Atheist,as he use to smoke and drink alcohol which is against Islam,So people saying that Jinnah was a hardline follower of Islam is baseless.
Roles played by Jinnah are as follows -
➡️ Jinnah raised the issue of muslim interest but was suppressed by strong hindu lobby.
➡️ Gandhiji suggested that there should be diffrent party(Muslim League) for representation of Muslims but JINNAH said that religion cannot be the basis of forming a party and religion and politics should not be mixed.
➡️ Muslim league came into existance in 1906 to represent Indian Muslim . JINNAH still suggested that Muslim league will work with Congress and there should be two cabinet in the Government and two Constitution,One for Hindus and another for Muslims based on Shariah law but Nehru rejected the proposal as congress was in strong position.
➡️ Jinnah was never in the favour of two nation theory and religion based politics,he was forced by the circumstances.
The Indian Independence Act, which was based on the Mountbatten plan of June 3, was passed by the British parliament on July 5, 1947 and received royal assent or approval on July 18, 1947.
Salient features of the Act :
➡️ The partition of the Indian state and the creation of Pakistan was to come into effect from August 15, 1947.
➡️ The British government were to officially give up every authority to these newly created dominions.
➡️ The new states were fully authorised to form their own constitution and constituent assemblies.
➡️ The Act had the entire procedure of transferring the powers to the constituent assemblies.
➡️ The states could opt out of the Commonwealth membership at any instance after independence.
➡️ A new Boundary Commission would be appointed to demarcate the line between the provinces of Punjab and Bengal.
➡️ Following the Act, the Radcliff Boundary Commission was appointed and the boundary line separating India and Pakistan was created.
➡️ Lord Mountbatten was the first Governor General of India, whereas Mohammad Ali Jinnah became the first Governor General of Pakistan.