Answer: Poetry tells us about the vision of the world that one person has. Poets are human beings and evolve as well as life changes. Since poetry is pretty much about feelings then writers don't necessarily have to talk about something they know, but they can say what emotions can these things evoke in them. Poets as novelist are allowed to lie. Actually, poetry is the only place where lies don't have terrible consequences. Experiences in life can take their toll on poets creativity. This is the case of Sandra Cisneros, the author of the poem set as an example. She is a Mexican-American writer. She is best known for her first novel The House on Mango Street (1984) and her subsequent short story collection Woman Hollering Creek and Other Stories (1991). Her work experiments with literary forms and searches emerging subject positions, which Cisneros herself attributes to growing up in a context of cultural mixture and economic disparity that endowed her with unique stories to tell. Cisneros's childhood provided many experiences she would later draw on as a writer: she grew up as the only daughter in a family of six brothers, which often made her feel lonely, and the constant migration of her family between Mexico and the United States instilled in her the sense of "always being part of two countries ... but not belonging to either culture. "Cisneros's work deals with the formation of Chicana identity, discovering the problems of being caught between Mexican and Anglo-American cultures, facing the hatred against women attitudes present in both these cultures, and experiencing poverty. For her insightful social critique and powerful prose style, Cisneros has accomplished recognition far beyond Chicano and Latino communities, to the extent that The House on Mango Street has been translated worldwide and is taught in American classrooms as a coming-of-age novel.
Cisneros has held a variety of professional positions, working as a teacher, a counselor, a college recruiter, a poet-in-the-schools, and an arts administrator, and has maintained a strong commitment to community and literary causes. In 1998 she established the Macondo Writers Workshop, which provides socially conscious workshops for writers, and in 2000 she founded the Alfredo Cisneros Del Moral Foundation, which awards talented writers connected to Texas.[5] Cisneros currently resides in Mexico