Answer by YourHope:
Hi! :)
My career is a writer. An writer is someone who writes books, stories, novels etc. The reason why I would like to be a writer is because personally, I am very good at writing. When I write, I tend to get lost and just really write for hours. There was this time in my freshman year, where my English teacher told me to write a short story (about like a paragraph long or two) and I ended up writing way more than I was told too. I am currently still not finished with the story because I basically made the story to be never ending but I had to turn it in. But anyways, being an author is great becuase you get to write great storues that can be left in the world even after you die and can leave a mark in the world. Also, depending on what it is you are writing, it can have an impact an your readers.
Have a BEAUTIFUL day~