7.016 oz
(x oz)/(198.9 g) = (1 oz)/(28.349523125 g) . . . . . . . exact conversion factor
Multiply by 198.9 g.
... (x oz) = (198.9 g)×(1 oz)/(28.349523125 g)
... x oz ≈ 7.016 oz . . . . . rounded to 4 significant figures
Comment on this conversion
A US pound is defined in metric terms as 0.45359237 kg = 453.59327 g exactly. An ounce is 1/16 of a pound, so can be expressed exactly as 28.349523125 grams. The conversion in the other direction, ounces per gram, is a long repeating decimal that usually gets rounded after a few significant digits. It is appropriate to use an exact conversion, then round the result to the required precision.