Let's match the types of goverment with their characteristics
- Direct democracy - popular vote on policies. In a direct democracy, subjects who have the right to vote do not simply vote for representatives that decide on their behalf, but they get to vote for the policies implemented by the goverment, instead of leaving those decisions to politicians.
- Socialist - control of economy. A socialist state has a centrally-planified economic system in which the goverment decides the amounts of goods and services produced and sold, and the market prices for which they are sold. Markets do not function freely.
- Tribal government - organized body of native peoples. It is a group of people who get the chance to govern the tribe because they are individuals who enjoy prestige within the community, and the rules are established based on customs
- Multiparty form - "coalition" government. When none of the parties have managed to obtain the required majority to make goverment decisions on its own, it has to make an agreement with another parties in order to govern jointly.