1 vote
What is 3.5% as a fraction and decimal.

what is 2.31 as a precent and fraction
what is 23/25 as a precent and decimal.
what is 33% as a fraction and decimal.
Please answer at least two!
Thank in advance <3

2 Answers

2 votes
33% as a fraction is 33/100 and as a decimal 0.33

23/25 is 0.92 as a decimal and 92%
User Dotan Simha
7.4k points
1 vote


1. 3.5% is 35/1000 as a fraction and 0.035 as a decimal.

2. 2.31 is 231% and 231/100

3. 23/25 is 92% and 0.92

4. 33% is 33/100 and 0.33


For converting from fraction to decimal, simply divide the top by the bottom.

For converting from decimal to fraction, depending on how many places there are, you choose what to divide by. Ex: .002 (there are 3 places, it is divided by 1,000)

For fraction to percent, you divide the top by the bottom, make it a decimal, and move the decimal over two places to the right.

User Shekhar Gupta
7.9k points