Part 1)

Part 2)
Since our discriminant is negative, we will have two complex (imaginary) solutions.
Part 3)

We have the equation:

Labelling our coefficients, we see that:

Part 1)
The discriminant (symbolized as Δ) is given by the formula:

So, the value of our discriminant is:


Part 2)
Remember the guidelines for the discriminant:
- If Δ>0 (the discriminant is positive), then our equation has two real solutions.
- If Δ<0 (the discriminant is negative), then our equation has two complex solutions (imaginary).
- If Δ=0 (the discriminant is 0), then our equation has exactly one real root.
Since our discriminant is a negative value, we will have two complex (imaginary) roots.
Part C)
The quadratic formula is given by:

By substitution:


Simplify the square root:


Hence, our two zeros are:

And in standard form: