If you eat 7 mini-muffins, will you consume 1134 calories.
A recipe for blueberry muffins states that it yields 12 muffins, with 270 calories per muffin.
- No of muffins = 12 muffins
- Calories per muffin = 270 calories
Total calories of standard muffins = 270 × 12 = 3240 calories
If the same amount of calories are made by 20 mini-muffins, then the total number of calories per mini-muffin will be:
3240/20 =
calories per muffin
As you ate 7 mini-muffins.
Your eaten calories = 162 × 7 ∵ 162 calories per muffin
= 1134 calories
Therefore, if you eat 7 mini-muffins, will you consume 1134 calories.