Start thinking about how many rooms you have in your house, what the inside of each room looks like what you have to do to keep
it clean, and anything else that makes it special. Now, it's time to put it into words. Please include the following in your description
1. You will write five sentences in Spanish, describing your house. Remember to keep your sentences short and simple and
use only vocabulary and grammar you have leamed in the course. You can look at the first page of this lesson for an
exemple. You may also use the What to include in your house description table below to guide your answers
2. You will choose from clipart, a draving, or a picture that shows your house (real or imaginary), one from the outside and
one from the inside. You may use this template to complete the assignment, or you may use a word processing document
or any other creative way you would like. If you choose an option that is not easily saved to your device, you can take a
digital photo of or scan your work and then upload it to a document on your device
You will do well if you follow this checklist!
Note: The sample sentences in parentheses are just a guide to help you form your sentences. You must come up with your own
original answers keeping academic integrity intact