I guess you're asking to compute the difference,
-3224₅ - 3434₅
Ignore the minus signs for now, and consider the sum
3224₅ + 3434₅
In the 5⁰ place (the rightmost digit) we have
4₅ + 4₅ = 8 = 13₅
Carry the 1 to the next place. In the 5¹ place,
2₅ + 3₅ + 1₅ = 6 = 11₅
Carry the 1. In the 5² place,
2₅ + 4₅ + 1₅ = 7 = 12₅
Carry the 1. In the 5³ place,
3₅ + 3₅ + 1₅ = 7 = 12₅
3224₅ + 3434₅ = 12213₅
and hence
-3224₅ - 3434₅ = -12213₅