My community has experienced a net out-migration.
Step-by-step explanation:
My community is in Negotino, a town in Macedonia, part of the Balkan Peninsula. Like most of the countries in this region (which is referred to as Europe's dysfunctional baby) my country, including my community has big problems, mostly because the transition from communism did not go to capitalism but directly to neo-Marxism.
In the past two decades, my community has lost around 15% of its population through migration. The people that migrate are mostly in their 20s and 30s. Because the country is highly centralized, it is only the capital that offers most of the opportunities, so people naturally move there, but more recently, people have not been pleased with it and are moving to other countries. The reasons are low wages, political involvement in business, membership of a political party in order to get a job without taking into consideration your qualifications, corruption on every level of society, high pollution, etc.