3) discovery of the oil in iran and irag
4) founding of opec
2) closing of the suez canal
1) oil embargo during yom kippur war
Step-by-step explanation:
- discovery of the oil in iran and irag , happened in 1911
Soon after the discovery, British companies started to poured into the region in order to take a piece of ownership of the oil.-
- founding of opec. Happened in 1960
it's an organization founded by the largest oil producers in the world in order to control global oil prices
- closing of the suez canal . Happened in 1967
It's mainly caused by Israel's effort to occupy this territory. in response, Egypt decided to closed the canal permanently.
- oil embargo during yom kippur war , happened in 1973
Saudi Arabia decided to embargo United States because the US government decided to show support toward Israel during the Yom Kippur War.