1. Find a common denominator. A common denominator is a number that both of the bottom numbers go into evenly.
Here, the common denominator is 66.
2. Using the common denominator, rewrite the fractions based on how many times the denominator goes into it.
66 goes into 66 once, so you multiply the numerator by 1.
53/66 remains as is.
11 goes into 66 6 times. Multiply 3 by 6 and change 11 to 66.
Rewrite 3/11 as 18/66
3. Subtract 53/66 - 18/66.
53/66-18/66 = 35/66
4. Reduce the fraction to its lowest terms.
35/66 is already in simplest terms, so 35/66 is the answer.