Answer: The picture speaks to the different grouping of Earth's current circumstance dependent on the elevation. To each zone compare a specific sort of atmosphere, where particular kinds of plants for instance can or can't develop. That is designated "Altitudinal zonation". Essentially, the higher you go, the colder it gets. That is particularly valuable to depict the atmosphere in tropical however hilly districts, similar to Latin America.
Distinction between tierra caliente and tierra fria:
Tierra caliente (warm land) level is the least and goes from ocean level up to 2,000 or 3,000 feet relying upon who you ask, and it's the ideal for leafy foods domesticated animals for instance.
Tierra fria (cold land) level beginnings at 6,000 feet. It's where practically no animals can be found and just vigorous vegetables (like potatoes) can develop without any problem.
The principle contrasts are obviously their height yet in addition, as an outcome of the elevation, the kinds of plants that can fill in each level, which are very extraordinary.