1. Listen to music
2. Sleep
3. Cook
Step-by-step explanation:
When i am feeling down i often listen to music. Listening to music helps my calm down and think through what my next action is going to be so i don't do anything to rash. Funnily enough listening to song that are filled with rage often work best to calm me down. My theory on this is because it is nice to know that i'm not the only one that has strong feelings no matter what they are.
Sometimes when i am sad i will lay down and take a nap. When i am sad i find that sleeping helps my wake up and feel refreshed and then i can sort through my thoughts. Often times when i am sad it is because i have been up for to long with to much going on and i no longer have control over my own emotions.
Lastly if the first two techniques don't work I will cook. The actual act of cooking does nothing to make me feel better. My family says that when i'm angry or sad is when i cook best and so i cook for them when i am upset, and seeing their faces light up when i bring them food is what makes me feel better.