Ok so to create this equation all you need to do is look at what information is given. You start with 12500 gallons of water so we know our equation is going to have 12500 in it.
So far our equation would look like this v=12500
The next information we are given is that it is decreasing by 2500 every hour so we know that we are going to be subtracting 2500 based on how many hours have went by so our equation would then look like this.
we can check this by plugging in some numbers to see if it works. So at Zero hours we should still be at 12500
Ok so we know that it works for zero, but we should check at least one more number. We know that after 3 hours we would of lost 7500 gallons of water so it should equal 12500-7500=5000 gallons. Lets check this in our equation
v=5000 Gallons