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Texto 1. Pareja de Erasmus Leyendo los testimonios que aparecen en su reportaje Generación Erasmus, cualquiera podría pensar que la experiencia es siempre positiva y el no va más, la meta final en la vida de un universitario. Pues bien, yo no estoy de acuerdo. Más allá de que a mí el Erasmus me costase que mi novia me dejase, con la consiguiente depresión, me parece una excusa para pasarse medio año o un año -según la beca- de vacaciones en el extranjero. Mi novia estuvo seis meses en Suecia, y las veces que fui a visitarla, de lo que me di cuenta es de que sí habrá un porcentaje (quizá un 10%) de los estudiantes que aprovechan la experiencia para estudiar y aprender un idioma; pero la otra gran mayoría, lo único que hacen es ir de fiesta en fiesta, y poco más. Se pasan unos meses lejos de sus casas, en unas vacaciones de lujo costeadas por sus papaítos, sin dar ni golpe. Además observé la tendencia de muchos becados a mirar por encima del hombro y despreciar a todo aquel que no se hubiese planteado vivir la experiencia Erasmus. Como si vivir en cas a de los padres, acabar la carrera y encontrar trabajo a los 22 años fuese algo demasiado simple... Leyendo los testimonios, uno se da cuenta también de que la beca Erasmus tiene cosas positivas, sirviendo como estímulo para espabilar al universitario, para aprender un idioma, para descubrir nuevos amigos y el valor de la amistad. Pero creo que para eso no es imprescindible vivir esta experiencia. ​

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The answer would be :

Erasmus couple Reading the testimonies that appear in their Erasmus Generation report, anyone could think that the experience is always positive and that he doesn't go any further, the final goal in the life of a university student. Well, I don't agree. Beyond the fact that Erasmus cost me that my girlfriend left me, with the consequent depression, it seems to me an excuse to spend half a year or a year - depending on the scholarship - on vacation abroad. My girlfriend spent six months in Sweden, and the times I went to visit her, what I realized is that there will be a percentage (maybe 10%) of the students who take advantage of the experience to study and learn a language; but the other great majority, all they do is go from party to party, and little else. They spend a few months away from their homes, on a luxury vacation paid for by their daddies, without giving a blow. I also observed the tendency of many scholarship recipients to look down their shoulders and despise anyone who had not considered living the Erasmus experience. As if living with your parents, finishing your degree and finding a job at 22 were something too simple ... Reading the testimonies, one also realizes that the Erasmus scholarship has positive things, serving as a stimulus to wake up to the university, to learn a language, to discover new friends and the value of friendship. But I think that for that it is not essential to live this experience. to study and learn a language; but the other great majority, all they do is go from party to party, and little else. They spend a few months away from their homes, on a luxury vacation paid for by their daddies, without giving a blow. I also observed the tendency of many scholarship recipients to look down their shoulders and despise anyone who had not considered living the Erasmus experience. As if living with your parents, finishing your degree and finding a job at 22 were something too simple ... Reading the testimonies, one also realizes that the Erasmus scholarship has positive things, serving as a stimulus to wake up to the university, to learn a language, to discover new friends and the value of friendship. But I think that for that it is not essential to live this experience.

User Rosarito
6.9k points