This question is answered using C++ programming language
#include <fstream>
using namespace std;
int main() {
string fname;
cout<<"Enter Filename: ";
int lowest = 0;
int highest = 0;
ifstream ifs(fname);
int x;
while (ifs >> x){
if(x < lowest){
lowest= x;
if(x > highest) {
highest = x;
for(int i = lowest; i<=highest;i++)
cout<<i<<" ";
Step-by-step explanation:
This line declares fname as string
string fname;
This prompts user for filename
cout<<"Enter Filename: ";
This gets filename
This declares and initializes lowest to 0
int lowest = 0;
This declares and initializes highest to 0
int highest = 0;
This defines the file using ifstream
ifstream ifs(fname+".txt");
This declares x as integer. x is used to read integers in the file
int x;
The following iteration will be repeated until there is no other integer to be read from the file
while (ifs >> x){
This checks for lowest
if(x < lowest){
lowest= x;
This checks for highest
if(x > highest) {
highest = x;
This closes the file. i.e. the file has been read
The following iteration prints the range of values from lowest to highest
for(int i = lowest; i<=highest;i++) {
cout<<i<<" ";
Please note that the filename must be entered with its extension