Answer and Explanation:
1. In "Hope, Despair, and Memory" Weisel states that the present, today, is the time where the past is absent, but it is necessary to keep a memory of the things that happened, as they are what guarantee the future. At the moment, Weisel is referring to the importance of maintaining the memory of the horrors of WW2, especially in relation to the Jews, so that in the future, horrors like this are not relived. This shows us that Weisel's words are very relevant today, especially in the present full of intolerance and prejudice in which we live. It is necessary to remember how intolerance was inhuman and harmful
2. The condition of humanity, which Weisel refers to is limitation. Limiting the future and life itself, but friendship can help to overcome these limitations by encouraging, motivating and establishing a more peaceful experience and offering company, allowing the human being to move forward, even in the face of his problems.