1. She said that she would see me the next day.
2. He said that he had seen her that day.
3. He said that he had met her about three months before.
4. They said they had visited her that morning.
5. They said they would visit her the following summer.
6. She said that they had been there the previous week.
7. He said that it might rain that night.
8. He said that he really had to go.
9. He said that he had to go because he had an appointment half an hour later.
10. He said that he would like to see it.
Step-by-step explanation:
We use reported speech to say something that another person said. To do so, we change the tenses and some words.
Present simple----> past simple
Present continous----> past continous
Present perfect----> past perfect
Past simple----> past perfect
Past perfect----> past perfect
Will---> would
May---> might
Tomorrow---> the next day
the next----> the following
today--->that day
Ago---> before
this---> that
last week/day/month---> the previous
must---> had to