3 votes
Define a function called 'findWordFreq, which takes two parameters. The first parameter, 'text" is an nltk.text.Text object and the second parameter, 'word' is a string. The function definition code stub is given in the editor. Perform the given operation for the 'text' object and print the results: 11 Determine the frequency distribution of all words having only alphabets in "text", store into a variable 'textfreq 15 • Find the frequency for the given 'word, and store it into the variable 'wordfreq'. • Find the word which has a maximum frequency from the textfreq , and store into the variable 'maxfreq! 16 17 19 Return 'wordfreq' and 'maxfreq. variables from the function. Input Format for Custom Testing Input from stdin will be processed as follows and passed to the function. Python 3 • Autocomplete Ready O 8 import zipfile from nltk.corpus import gutenberg 10 from nltk. text import Text import nltk 12 13 14 # Complete the 'findWordFreq' function below. def findWordFreq(text, word): # Write your code here textfreq = nltk. FreqDist(text) 18 wordfreq = nltk.FreqDist(word) maxfreq = nltk.FreqDist(text) 20 return wordfreq, maxfreq 21 22 vif -_name__ == '__main__': 23 text = input() 24 word = input() 25 if not os.path.exists(os.getcwd() + "/nltk_data"): 26 with zipfile.ZipFile("nltk_data.zip", 'r') as zip_ref: 27 zip_ref.extractall(os.getcwd()) 28 os.environ['NLTK_DATA'] = os.getcwd() + "/nltk_data" 30 text = Text(gutenberg.words (text)) 31 32 word_freq, max_freq = findWordFreq(text, word) 33 34 print(word_freq) 35 print(max_freq) The first line contains a string 'text', which should be one of the text collection file names from gutenberg corpora. The second line contains a string 'word. Find the frequency for the word, Sample Case Sample Input 29 Function Parameters STDIN ----- ------- austen-sense.txt John → text = nltk.Text(nltk.gutenberg.words ('austen-sense.txt → word = 'John! Line: 19 Col Sample Output Test Results Custom Inpus Run Submit Cod 163 to No test case passed. Input (stdin) 1 austen-sense.txt 2. John Your Output (stdout) 1 2. Expected Output 1 163 2 to

User MacFreek
4.8k points

1 Answer

4 votes


import os

import nltk

import zipfile

from nltk. corpus import gutenberg

from nltk. text import Text

def findWordFreq(text, word):

textfreq = nltk. FreqDist(text)

wordfreq = nltk.FreqDist(word)

maxfreq = max(textfreq)

return wordfreq, maxfreq

if -_name__ == '__main__':

text = input()

word = input()

if not os.path.exists(os.getcwd() + "/nltk_data"):

with zipfile.ZipFile("nltk_data.zip", 'r') as zip_ref:


os.environ['NLTK_DATA'] = os.getcwd() + "/nltk_data"

text = Text(gutenberg.words (text))

word_freq, max_freq = findWordFreq(text, word)



Step-by-step explanation:

The natural language package in python is used to get and analyse word from voice input. The python code above get words from a zipfile extract, and the 'findWordFreq' function gets the word count and the maximum number of alphabet used in the word distribution.

User MagTun
6.2k points