the correct form of verbs to complete the following sentences.
this leader. (love, loves)
happy with the new timing.
prepared. (was, were)
Neither the managers nor the employers
Designer tables and chairs
Either Lisa or Lily usually
My best friend and severest critic
1. A mass of cotton wool and band-aids
(seem, seems)
A list of invitees
Neither boys nor girls
Each minute
Either Indu or Kabi
A white cat and a black cat
sitting on the window sill. (is, are)
brothers. (is, are)
quite a lot. (cost, costs)
all the household chores. (do, does)
my mother. (is, are)
interested in hockey. (is, are)
precious. (is, are)
do this work. (has to, have to)
left on the table. (was, were)
2. Dip and Aman
3. Eman and Dipesh
to school. (walk, walks)
4. Bread and jam_well with milk. (go, goes)
Either the labourers or their leader
at fault. (was, were)
take the decision. (has to
Either the ministers or the administration
have to)