if the the circles touch each other, the length is to be gotten by
a) getting the diameter.
- as the radius is 28cm, the diameter of each circle is 56cm.
- 2 circles are connected enabling us to form a horizontal line with the length of 112cm.
b) inside the triangle
- looking keenly you can see three dots at the center of each circle forming a triangle. as we know each circle is connected to 2 others. so the distance from one radius to the other forms a diameter.
-connect the dots, radii from 1 circle to the other, and assign them their measurements,. remember that they lines act as diameters
c) properties of a triangle
-forming that, you will notice that all sides are equal making it an equilateral triangle and equilateral triangles are only able to fit inside parallelograms whose sides are ALL EQUAL.
- got the trick! now we know that all the sides are equal and one side is of the rectangle is 112cm, automatically all sides become 112cm.
d) area
-area will be
S x S
112 x 112