Answer and Explanation:
1. All the literary devices used by Poe, be they rhyme, rhythm and allusions, aim to represent some element about Annabel Lee, that is, everything used in the text revolves around her, not allowing the reader to think of anything else when doing reading the poem, as the speaker forces the reader to think about Annabel Lee all the time, just like him. An example of this can be seen in the way Poe organized the rhymes in the poem. Although the rhyme scheme is very simple, Poe made sure that all the words at the end of the verse rhymed with "Lee" showing that all the speaker's thoughts were in it.
2. In order to emphasize the same feelings in the multimedia version, a very well-trained interpretation and dramatization is needed, where the declaimer presents the poem with great emotion and giving strategic pauses that show the difficulty and sadness that the speaker of the poem feels, but without fail to emphasize the thoughts completely turned to Annabek Lee.