The equation is likely (x2 -2x -3)/(x+2) and to simplify you can do polynomial synthetic division or long division. Using long division because it works in all cases:
x+2√x2 -2x -3 how many times does x go into x2 , x times
x - 4 ______
x+2√x2 - 2x -3 multiply x by x + 2 and create the next row
-(x2 )
-4x - 3 bring down the -3 and repeat first step. how many times does x go into -4x, -4 times
-(-4x - 8) multiply x + 2 by -4
5 (this is the remainder but it must be in the form 5/(x+2)
so the answer is x - 4 + 5/(x + 2). Hopefully, this is what your teacher considers "simplified".
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