The Earth orbit around the Sun is an ellipse.
Step-by-step explanation:
Earth, like all other planets in the solar system, orbits are the only star in it, the Sun. Each planet's orbit is unique and has its own specific characteristics, but one that seems to be shared by all is that they all have an orbit that is an ellipse, Earth included.
Such an orbit means that Earth is not constantly at the same distance from the Sun. In one part of the orbit, Earth is closer to the Sun, while in another part of the orbit it is further away from the Sun. The point where Earth is the closest to the Sun is called perihelion and this is when Earth orbits the fastest because it experiences more of the gravitational pull by the Sun. The point where Earth is the furthest away from the Sun is called aphelion and this is when Earth orbits the slowest because it experiences the least of the gravitational pull by the Sun.