Ask a teen what it means to be physically fit, and he or she might think it refers to weighing a
certain amount or having a certain body shape. Other young people mistakenly think that fitness
is only for athletes, or that they don’t have the time or money to spend on fitness. But physical
fitness is crucial for every teen. In fact, fitness is an essential part of overall health and well-being.
Teens should work toward a happy, enjoyable and successful future—but without a healthy body,
those goals will be nearly impossible to achieve.
The benefits of physical fitness are numerous: increased energy, higher self-esteem, reduced
stress, better sleep, a healthy weight, lowered risk of serious diseases and a longer, more
enjoyable life. But far too many teens are missing out on these important benefits. According
to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, only one-third of high school students attend
a physical education class every day. Even worse, almost 82% of teens surveyed admitted that
they had not been physically active for at least 60 minutes each day in the past week.
The teen years are a critical period for developing healthy habits that will last a lifetime. Now is
the time to equip teens with the knowledge they need to make fitness a priority. Not only does
fitness greatly improve one’s quality of life but it prevents many health risks. A sedentary lifestyle
is linked with health problems like obesity, heart disease, diabetes and high blood pressure.
The good news is that everyone can get in shape—and have fun doing it. Teens need to know
that fitness needn’t be boring or a chore. Instead, fitness is all about choosing activities that are
rewarding and enjoyable. Whether they are done solo or with friends, in an organized exercise
class or out on a jogging path, in a competitive environment or a casual setting, the important
thing is that teens get moving in a way that’s fun. Getting fit doesn’t require fancy equipment
or an expensive gym membership. The only thing a teen needs is the motivation to be active.
Physical fitness is made up of five essential elements: cardiovascular endurance, muscle strength,
flexibility, balance and coordination, and body composition. Different physical activities
improve different elements, so it’s vital to perform a variety of exercises on most days to reap the
maximum benefits. Once they understand why fitness is so important, teens must also learn how
to improve their fitness levels for each element.