Written in Python
hours = int(input("Hours Worked: "))
rate = int(input("Hourly Rate: "))
gross = hours * rate
net = gross * 0.14
gross = gross * 0.14
clothes = net * 0.10
school = net * 0.01
net = net - (clothes + school)
bonds = net * 0.25
parentsBonds = bonds * 0.50
print("Gross Income: $"+str(round(gross,2)))
print("Net Income: $"+str(round(net,2)))
print("Clothes & Accessories: $"+str(round(clothes,2)))
print("School Supplies: $"+str(round(school,2)))
print("Savings Bonds: $"+str(round(bonds,2)))
print("Parents Bonds: $"+str(round(parentsBonds,2)))
Step-by-step explanation:
This line prompts user for hours worked
hours = int(input("Hours Worked: "))
This line prompts user for hourly rate
rate = int(input("Hourly Rate: "))
This line calculates the gross pay before tax
gross = hours * rate
This line calculates the net pay before tax
net = gross * 0.14
This line calculates the net pay after tax
gross = gross * 0.14
This line calculates the amount spent on cloth
clothes = net * 0.10
This line calculates the amount spent on school
school = net * 0.01
This line calculates the net after spending on clothes and schools
net = net - (clothes + school)
This calculates the savings for bonds
bonds = net * 0.25
This calculates the support for bonds from parents
parentsBonds = bonds * 0.50
This prints the Gross Income
print("Gross Income: $"+str(round(gross,2)))
This prints the Net Income
print("Net Income: $"+str(round(net,2)))
This prints the Amount spent of clothes and accessories
print("Clothes & Accessories: $"+str(round(clothes,2)))
This prints the school supplies
print("School Supplies: $"+str(round(school,2)))
This prints the savings bond
print("Savings Bonds: $"+str(round(bonds,2)))
This prints the parents bonds
print("Parents Bonds: $"+str(round(parentsBonds,2)))