Step-by-step explanation:
Humans have a pair of sex chromosomes, i.e they have two sex chromosomes which are the X and Y chromosome. Each of the chromosome is donated by each of the two parents of an individual. The female parent always donates the X chromosome (through the egg) while the male parent donates either X or Y chromosome (through the sperm cell).
Male Decision
When the male parent Y chromosome sperm fertilizes the X chromosome egg of the female. A male child is formed.
Female Decision
When the male parent X chromosome sperm cell fertilizes the X chromosome egg of the female. A female child is formed.
The similarity in the Decision making
The female parent will always produce X chromosome eggs.
Note that the male parent releases millions of sperm cells (in one ejaculation) with each cell carrying either the X or the Y chromosome. It is the sperm cell that fertilizes the female that is been referred to in the description above.