17y^2 - 89y - 210 = 0
Original fraction: x/y
The numerator is 2 les than the denominator, x = y - 2
Original fraction: (y - 2)/y
New fraction:
Add 3 to the numerator and denominator of the original fraction:
(y - 2 + 3)/(y + 3) = (y + 1)/(y + 3)
Add the new fraction and old fraction and get 53/35.
(y - 2)/y + (y + 1)/(y + 3) = 53/35
35y(y + 3)[(y - 2)/y] + 35y(y + 3)[(y + 1)/(y + 3)] = 35y(y + 3)(53/35)
35(y + 3)(y - 2) + 35y(y + 1) = 53(y^2 + 3y)
35(y^2 + y - 6) + 35(y^2 + y) = 53y^2 + 159y
17y^2 - 89y - 210 = 0