Spanish is used all over the world in many different countries, and it's even known to be the second most spoken language in the world. Currently, about 559 million people are able to speak spanish, however, most of us don't know the true origin of spanish and how it came from. Once the Romans conquered the Iberian Peninsula during the fifth century, the influence of cultivated Latin was slowly fading among the public. The Arab conquest of the Iberian Peninsula in the eight century resulted in the formation of two distinct regions. The language Spanish is known to be classified as a romance language, which means it is from Latin, however, most people who speak spanish also go by the term castellano.One of the oldest spanish texts ever classified is “The Cartularies of Valpuesta (Burgos)”, which are written in such late latin that has some Castilianzz characteristics. The Spanish spreaded over throughout the south of the Peninsula following the Reconquest and the foundation of the several kingdoms. Antonio de Nebrija published his Grammatica in the fifteenth century, which was the first book on Spanish grammar, as well as the first treatise on a romance language.