Answer: scratch cooking: preparing food using basic ingredients rather than buying meals that have already been prepared.
convenience cooking: the practice of streamlining recipes for simplicity and speed of preparation.
recipe: a set of instructions for preparing a particular dish, including a list of the ingredients required.
ingredient: any of the foods or substances that are combined to make a particular dish.
yield: how much you will have of a finished or processed product.
volume: measuring your ingredients with measuring cups instead of with a scale.
weight: to use a heavy object placed on top of a prepared food for the purpose of squeezing out excess fat or liquid, or to force a food to form to the contour of a mold. / the measurement of how heavy an item is.
herb: any plant that does not have woody perennial stems like a tree or shrub.
spice: seasonings used to flavor food that are derived from plants.
rub: a mixture of spices or herbs that is applied to food for the purpose of adding flavor.
marinade: a liquid, such as vinegar, wine or oil, with spices or other flavorings added to it, which is made for the purpose of soaking a food in it to add flavor or to tenderize.