The answer is "How many hours per week do you play football?"
We can figure out that "How many hours per week do you play football?" is the answer because the question is asking of you "Which of the following is an appropriate statistical question for this survey?" the key words in question is "statistical, and appropriate". For the first half of the question it's telling you "Victor wants to conduct a survey to find how much time the students of his school spent playing football." The key words in this first half of the question is "how, much, time, and spent" the answer that says "How many hours per week do you play football?" Has the key words "how, many, hours, per week" these key words it's equal to the key words in the second half of the question "How=How, Many=Many, Hours=Time Per Week=The Time Spent".
So the answer would be "How many hours per week do you play football?".