Cheerleading is an activity for men and women. Cheerleaders have to be energetic , motivataed,and put in 100% effort. Theres 2 main types of cheerleaders 1 the sideline they do the more easy or basic stuff for example: jumps and you see them most at highschool games. 2nd the competitive cherleader they do stunts and more advanced tumbling and show off their flexability and stunting. You can start at 2 years p;d and go through college. Both males and females can be cheerleaders, usally male cheerleaders spot stunting due to the more strength usally. Cheer can be a private sport or a club. Schools that have cheer make you tryout for example have your jumps (pike,hurdler,toe touch) and maybe a BHS. To show their skill and demonstrate how well they are
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