1.= play The Videos . 2.=Pass a small strech of time alone, exercising. 3.= I
want to go run , 4.= what do you actually really like to do. 5.= Touch Football. 6,= Of The Cards. 7 = Want VolleyBall. 8= Doing Navigation 9.= The archives (with friends). 10.= Listen with. 11.= Under review. 12.= With me No idea 13.= Go out do exercise. 14.=Buy the basketball/ 15.= Draw Shoes. 16.=What do you want to do today, Ride, homework? 17.= do homework, cinema.18.= see the tv shining . 19.= with my friends, Baseball. 20.= Downtown and eat. 21.= passing time with the soap operas . 22.= Talking in bicycle line 23.= Navigating the internet sing,24.=American football, Read 25.=Swim. 26.=The toys of table, or table toys. 27.=with my family. 28.=With you 29.= Write.30.= it's fine. here is a little help with the first part. it would be be considered as cheating if i gave you the answers . so i hope this helps you,