Following are the solution to the given point.
In point a:
Linear comparison of the mean burning period of textiles of type three different from the mean type 4 burn time:
In point b:
Linear comparison to the moderate burning time of type 1 textiles distinct from the average burn periods of all the other three styles of textiles[2,3,4]: is
In point c:
The comparison in a and (b) above is orthogonal to one another. Since the number of coefficient products is :
In point d:
The contrast value is
The estimate of the contrast:
The standard error is
T is 2.1788 as the critical value. Since the value of t=1.7447<th of the critical value is absolute, the null is not rejected
The hypothetical one. theory. Therefore the impact of contrast is not statistically significant.
As we know t is a test F. Alternatively, as we know. The F-statistics at 1,12 df is
F test is critical to 4,7472.